Unity Primary School is accredited A (Predikat Unggul, SK Penetapan Hasil Akreditasi Nomor: 02.00/203/SK/BAN-SM/XII/2018) by BAN S/M of Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture, in December 2018. 

Unity Primary School located in South Bekasi, was established in 2008. Unity Primary School uses both English and Bahasa Indonesia on a day-to-day basis.

We acknowledge that implementation of using both languages advances cognitive skills. Additionally, it develops multicultural skills in an increasingly diverse society.

Unity Primary School applies  Singaporean Curriculum. and uses both English and Bahasa Indonesia on a day-to-day basis. We acknowledge that implementation of using both languages advances cognitive skills. Additionally, it develops multicultural skills in an increasingly diverse society.

Extracurricular activities are non-academic activities that are done outside of school hours. These activities are usually held after school. Unity Primary School has 17 extracurricular activities for students to get involved in. Some of them are mandatory and the others are optional. There are 13 optional programs such as Modern Dance, Taekwondo, Manga Painting, Lego Robotics, Sports Memory Course, Wushu, Chess, Soccer, Mandarin, ICT, Iqro, Guitar, and Drums. The four mandatory extracurricular activities are English Club, Scouts, Marching Band, and Choir.

Non-academic activities like sports, music, modern dance, language classes, and so on will benefit students in shaping their character, intellectual, and social development. Thus, parents are expected to choose proper activities for their children based on their interests and talents. The right extracurricular activities will give joy and comfort for the students to demonstrate and explore their abilities or talents. The right choice comes from a good and strong parent-child relationship. Happy parents, happy children.

  • Grade 1-2 : 07.30 – 01.15
  • Grade 3-6 : 07.30 – 01.45